Yanderra Public School

Strive to excel

Telephone02 4684 1377


Our Tiny Forest

Adventures in the Tiny Forest

'To empower our community of learners to value challenge in learning and strive for personal best'


Soil Workshop – Darren comes to visit

Darren helped us to look beyond the messy factor that soil often entails. He presented soil as a fascinating and highly necessary component of our everyday life. From the Ancient Egyptians to modern day life, we unpacked the different layers of soils and how to decipher which kinds of soils are in our local vicinity. 

Darren engaged the students in a range of tactile experiments which enlivened the senses. 

Botanic Gardens of Sydney logo

What is Community Greening?

Find out more here
Portrait of Akira Miyawaki, the Japanese botanist

What is a Miyawaki forest?

Find out more here